
 “The basic goal of landscaping is to enhance the exterior appearance of a home and to create outdoor living spaces.”

 Landscaping combines Natural Elements, Manufactured Elements and Landscape Accessories

Natural Elements include:


2. Flowers

3. Terrain

Manufactured Elements include:




Landscape Accessories:

1. Fountains

2. Playhouses

3. Gazebos

 There are 2 Basic Types of trees:

Deciduous: have leaves and lose them in the winter

Coniferous: have needles and keep them year round

There are 2 Basic Types of flowers:


Plants that perform their entire lifecycle from seed to flower in a single growing season.


plants that persist for many growing seasons.

Landscape design encompasses several styles and approaches:




Natural Look

I personally prefer the informal landscaping. I like the fact that hedges are left soft and fluffy and are not sheared flat. My favorite kinds of plants are perennials such as hostas, the informal landscaping incorporates a lot of these plants. Informal landscape is more in-step with nature, it looks much more natural than the formal designs and I believe that an ‘outdoor’ living area should give off feelings of the outdoors that surrounds it.


landscaping and gardening in ways that reduce or eliminate the need for supplemental water from irrigation.

It is promoted in regions that do not have easily accessible, plentiful, or reliable supplies of fresh water, and is gaining acceptance of other areas as climate patterns shift. This is becoming important for Charlottetown as the fresh water supply is diminishing. If residents don’t start using less water over the summer (and all the time), there may again be a restriction of water use in the city. Residents use drinking grade water to water their lawns, clean their car and water their gardens. Xeriscaping would be an excellent replacement to grass lawns.

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